CAMPUS – NEW LIFE 但 你 們 得 在 基 督 耶 穌 裡 、 是 本 乎   神 、   神 又 使 他 成 為 我 們 的 智 慧 、 公 義 、 聖 潔 、 救 贖 .

Dear FANNY  ( Rebecca )  !

             喜 爱 清 心 的 人 , 因 他 嘴 上 的 恩 言 , 王 必 与 他 为 友 。

This is the gift I was talking about . This is the gift I want to give you . I will tell you about my life . My life´s story ! I find in you a good heart, a heart that is seaking for something real, something better . You know, I feel,  there is something that you want to experience , but you don´t know  what it is. Today I tell you !

I have always lived a happy life. In my childhood I lived at the country side with my brothers and sisters. With my parents. We had cows, horses, lambs, pigs, chickens, everything. We had wood , forests, meadows and lands . We had lakes, rivers in our surroundings. We had loving parents and we were really happy !


When I was 20 , I moved to a big city, Turku, to a campus. I began to study biology, chemistry and bothany. But I also began to play with life. To go out partying,

drinking, running  with girls etc. Not so much, but enough to understand, that I`m not happy anymore. I lost my happiness.! I was longing for something more . I didn´t know what ? There had to be something more in life. I cried many times when I was unhappy and alone ! The discos and the parties didn´t make me happy !

 I met a girl , another student. I told her my feelings. She told me something new . She told me there is a happiness, a love on higher level for every human being. A love that is bigger than the love between man and woman. She told me about the love of God !

She told me about forgiveness. She told me about Gods love. She told me that God wants

to give me a clean heart and forgive my sins . Because I didn´t have a clean heart, I could not be happy because Gods spirit comes only to a clean heart !


 She told me that God gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who forgives and takes away our sins  At first I didn´t believe it. Then she said: ”Can we pray together ?”   ”Of course,” I said.

That day I prayed with her. She taught me how to pray ! I prayed: ” Lord Jesus, take away my sis, forgive me, I give my life to you. Take care of my life !” Something happened ! A great peace filled my heart!  My bad feelings, my sorrow, my guilt was taken away ! I felt a joy, a happiness  that I never felt before. That day I became a christian, a child of God. God became my heavenly Father !  I was born again to a new life. I felt my heart was clean ! I bless this girl who told me about Jesus , Gods Son !


 This happened many years ago ! Since that day I have been a christian. I pray to God who is my Father, a loving Father for every human being ! The meaning, the purpose of life , also of your life , Rebecca ( a beautiful name ), is to learn to know God. There are people who speak about God. The say they pray. But they  still don´t know God. Lifes meaning is to learn to know God. When we talk to Him he guides our lifes. He gives us joy and happiness also in difficult times! He also gave me a girl who now is my loving wife.


This is my story , Rebecca ! This is my secret ! Now you know it ! Millions of people throughout the world  are christians. Real christians. I know in China are lots of christians too. Many christians from China have been in Finland and told us about the christian life in your country !


 May be you now understand why I am happy ! Why I can love people, also you Fanny, with the love of God ! This is the gift for YOU from Lord´s Tramp !   你 所 作 的 , 要 交 托 耶 和 华 , 你 所 谋 的 , 就 必 成 立 。