Today , writing this blog, the sun shines from a clear sky ! Different colours of the trees  are turning nature into a scenery of beauty with sparkling effects.  Today the atmosphere is specially peaceful, almost supernatural.  It feels like  rhythm of life has stopped in our society.

However, today 24.09 2008, the Finnish flag is at half-mast again in a short time!  Yesterday, evil forces once again , hit a deep wound in the heart of the Finnish nation. The shooting tragedy in Kauhajoki  Vocational  School resulted in eleven young victims.

Today the hearts of my dear fellow countrymen are  troubled , asking and depressed ! The sunshine, warm weather and silence makes it easier to stand the situation, but does not take away the pain. It does not answere   the basic questions:  Why, why, why ? It doesn..t dry away the  tears  from  family members that lost their loved  ones !

Mothers and fathers are asking : "What is the future for our  youngsters  in the school-world "? Students feel unsafe in buildings that before were safe,  joyful collectives . Now they have become places of horror in a country known for its high schoolstandards and results. Folks, this is really sad !

Some people blame God for this ! The same God they were giving thanks to when the war with Russia was over and the soldiers left after occupying our country ! God that so many times has been our shelter and help in times of crises and wars! Why did He help then? Because almighty God  saw this small nation and its need. He saw the mothers and the old people who were on their knees praying for our nation and their young men at the frontline.

Beause God is a loving God, He heard the Finnish people when they repented their sins and disobedience towards Him . The same thing will happen once again. A time of comfort , refreshing  is soon coming to our people, in fact it has already began ! The Light of Life will shine again and the forces of darkness and death have to surrender ! Life is stronger than death. The victory of Christ also includes victory over death  !

The good years after the last war with Russia  gave our country many blessings and a high standard of living. But the the good times made us  run after money, standard and glamour. We left our children and young people alone, and now we experience the results.

When I  worked among children and young people in poor countries and slums  I was astonished to see their happiness despite of their poverty ! In general they were more spontaneous, whole inside  and  more happy than children of rich people in my country ! Why  ? Now I understand ! They had loving parents and grandparents who took care of them and shared the time with them ! Things that cannot be bought by money !

Today my prayer and also the prayers  of many of my fellow countrymen is : " Dear Lord, Forgive us our selfishness and  arrogance towards You ! We have forgotten You, Lord. Turn our hearts again towards our children and help us to take care of them in the right way ! Lord heal our nation and help us to comfort the families of the victims !"

Dear Friends, pray for the Finnish people !    Lord..s Tramp , Matthew