DIAMONDS from the Northwest Mountains and Woods


 It was touching to see the parents and relatives of the students in New Life Center Betlehem Home at Christmas time this year. Like the wise Men and the Shepherds in Christmas Eve they were seeking for something and they experienced something. They came early in the morning before the sunrise with the mountaindue still on their faces. Beautiful people. They came a long way from mountaintops, hillsides & valleys to join the Christmas Party with their loved ones and us. They were Kareni people, Lisu, Lawa and Tai Yai. And they enjoyed the Party !

The skilful leaders of the Home, Samran & his wife Tanyaphon and their team hade made a fantastic job with high class programs and performances. Enjoy the Pics !

Lord´s Tramps , Matthew & Tuula


The skilful leaders of the Home, Samran & his wife Tanyaphon and their team hade made a fantastic job with high class programs and performances. Enjoy the Pics !

Lord´s Tramps , Matthew & Tuula.