I have been walking with my Lord, Jesus Christ, for forty years now. To you it may seem to be a rather long time.
To me, it seems I met Him yesterday !
I met Him at twentyseven at Campus in Turku, Finland. I was a hippie then. When I met Him
and He spoke to me, I understood he was a King , yes, more than a King. He was the King of Kings. His crown was so much brighter than the colourful flower power bindles on our hippie heads. His eyes were full of passion and love towards us hippies and all human beings. His eyes looked deep into my soul when He said : “ Follow Me ! ” At that moment I change to a repentant hippie and decided to follow Him !

Walking these years with my Lord has been a privilege. It has been a special time in my life ! A period when He
gradually changed me to live a normal life in the plan of a loving God.
Some days have been diamonds, some days stone ! Sometimes the wind has been against me, but mostly I have
been able to sail before the wind ! There has been times of laughter and times of tears !
However, walking with Him through the valley of death and resting on His green pasteurs has made me know Him more
and more. His gentle and discreet manner, His idle person and His loving care. A love that is greater than any love in the
universe and on our planet. I can´t live without Him anymore ! I am united with Him in His body on earth, the Church !
For me, to live is Christ to die is Victory.

Our Heavenly Father sent His Word to cure and rescue a fallen mankind on our planet, stuck in the sin of Satan. A
mankind totally jailed by the tentacles of the Ruler of Darkness, the Devil ! That´s why God sent His Son who was and
still is, the Word. As a hippie this Word came to me, it rescued me. I saw the Light, and I saw my life in this new Light.
Since then I have read His Word, the Bible through, many times. My aim has not been to read it through as many times
as possible. I have memorized it, meditated on it and most important I have tried to obey it in everyday life! It has
been like digging in a goldmine where the heart of Christ has been hidden !
My goal has not been to achieve a teological degree or something high. My intention and desire has been to live in
harmony with Gods Word with the help of His Holy Spirit.

I hope my testimony could be a guidance to you who read these simple lines from the Lifeblog of a Tramp. I really hope
that my words could lift your eyes up from the dust to a higher level. A level from where you are able to see a New Star on the
horizon, the bright Morning Star from a  coming New World with Jesus Christ as Ruler !
I am 65 now and so lucky to see how the Gospel spreads as a wildfire all over the world right now. Even in buddhist,
hindu and muslim territories where I have been working since 1984. It spreads and touches empty human hearts with  forgivness of sins and release from the chains of Satan.
With this simple testimony I wish you my Friend the best I know, Gods Blessing in Jesus Christ !

Lord´s Tramp , Ulf-Matthew Majabacka